***Raw cream, raw butter, and sour cream will be out of stock or in limited quantity until the end of the month. Thank you for your patience while we wait for some of our cows to calve.*** ***Farm Tours will not be available until fall, when the weather cools down a bit***

Our Difference


We are passionate about supporting your healthy lifestyle and have been happily providing raw milk & dairy products to families in our community since 2014.

We raise our herd of A2 Brown Swiss cows and calves, in the sunshine and green pastures of East Texas. Our girls all have names, come when called (normally) and LOVE attention! We milk our girls once or twice per day, depending on if they have fully weaned their calves yet. The majority of their days are spent sunning themselves and grazing in the pastures.

We operate as a cow-calf share dairy. This is not common in the United States but it allows us to leave our calves with their moms until fully weaned, around 4-6 months old. We have found that this routine allows for the ultimate farming experience for us and our milking girls. It allows us to leave our calves with their moms, making them both much happier and healthier. It allows the cows to get their job done and then spend the rest of their day making more milk in a stress-free environment and it also allows more time for us to focus on our animals, our farm, our family and our members.

After the calves are weaned, we start milking them twice per day until it is time to dry them up before their next calving, about 60 days prior.

Brown Swiss cows are known to have a very high butter-fat content and normally carry the A2/A2 beta casein protein, which is known to be easier to digest for people with dairy allergies or lactose intolerance. All of our cows are tested A2/A2. Visit our Meet Our Cows page for test results.

As a member of our Private Membership Association, you get access to all the nutrient dense food directly from our farm! And the best news is that you don’t have to wake up at 5:00 am to milk the cows!


Our Milk is Fresh!

Our milk is always fresh from the cow within hours of being milked and may last up to 2-3 weeks when kept at optimum temperatures.

Our Milk is A2!

Our cows have all been genetically tested and they all carry the A2 gene. This makes it easier for some people to digest and process milk & dairy.

Our Milk is Creamy!

Our milk is entirely natural. The cream has never been removed from the milk and it naturally rises to the top of every jar.

Our Milk is Unprocessed!

Our milk goes from the cow, to the bottle, to you. Other milk may be pasteurized (cooked), homogenized (processed so the cream won’t rise to the top), adulterated with synthetic vitamins and other additives, and standardized. Standardization is the process used by all major producers where milk is separated into its constituent solids and fat, partially dehydrated, and then mixed back together to form a product which just conforms to minimum legal limits for milk.

Our Milk is Ethically Produced!

We treat our cows with old-fashioned kindness and respect. We feed them unlimited pasture grass and hay, when needed. They get alfalfa & organic soy-free grain when coming into be milked each morning. They also get garden fruits & veggies when they are in season. We never use hormones or other substances to artificially increase milk production.

It's Nutritious!

Our milk is raw milk. The natural nutrients, vitamins, and enzymes it contains have not been destroyed or altered by cooking, as is the case with pasteurized products.

Our Milk is Clean!

Cleanliness standards for raw milk should be of the utmost importance. We pride ourselves on keeping our cows & equipment as clean as possible. Our milk tests prove that we are keeping it clean.

Our Milk Tastes Great!

Our milk is natural, pure, clean, and fresh, and it tastes WONDERFUL.

Our Milk is Real Milk!

Because it is not processed or adulterated, our milk is the last real, honest milk you can buy.

Our Milk is Tested!

Our milk is tested in our on-site testing lab multiple times per week. Yes, we test our milk often! The Grade A raw milk standards require testing once every quarter. This is completely unacceptable to us and we have chosen to practice safe milking practices and can back up our practices with our dairy test numbers! Learn more about Raw Milk Safety here.