***Raw cream, raw butter, and sour cream will be out of stock or in limited quantity until the end of the month. Thank you for your patience while we wait for some of our cows to calve.*** ***Farm Tours will not be available until fall, when the weather cools down a bit***

Raw Milk Safety Information

Safety is our top priority, particularly when producing raw milk. We take extra measures to offer you the safest product with minimal risks.

Your well-being is our utmost concern.

Explore the page below to learn about our raw milk safety standards. If you have any questions, please contact us.
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CT Ranch raw milk is laboratory tested!

We do a random testing of our raw milk in our on-site laboratory every 5 days. This is not required, but we do it anyway to produce the best product possible. Every batch is tested for:

  • TCC (total coliform count): This must be less than 10 coli/ml. This is the same standard for bottled water from the store. (Sample taken from a final product jar of milk).
  • SPC (standard plate count): This must be less than 20,000. This test lets us know the general hygiene of the milk and gives us a read of the quantity of bacteria present. (Sample taken from a final product jar of milk).

Should I pasteurize my milk?

Whether to pasteurize or not is truly a personal choice. You can learn more about raw milk at www.realmilk.com and www.rawmilkinstitute.org.

Our Voluntary Raw Milk Safety Protocol

CT Ranch has chosen to voluntarily go beyond requirements for testing of raw milk. For licensed Grade A Raw Milk dairies, Texas Department of Agriculture requires milk testing only once per quarter.

We have chosen to test our raw milk, in our own on-site lab, multiple times per week. We do this extra testing for your peace of mind, the safety of your families and out of abundance of caution. Testing is tedious and expensive. It would be easier and cheaper to only test at the state required minimum.

To our knowledge, we are the only Texas dairy, raw or pasteurized, which tests in the final retail-ready container at this frequency. We are currently working with the team at The Raw Milk Institute to get our current food safety plan and operating procedures written down and will make these available here once finalized.

As members of RAWMI, we receive training, advice and learn from other raw milk farmers all across the country about improving raw milk safety methods and providing our members with the highest quality raw milk.

When it comes to your family’s safety, it’s not the government’s standards that we are trying to live up to… it’s yours.