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👩‍🌾🤧Farm Life and Flu Season: Our Remedies for Wellness!

posted on

October 30, 2023


As the seasons change, many of us are prone to the usual round of colds and flu. We've received many questions about how we at CT Ranch handle these seasonal illnesses. So, we thought it would be helpful to share our top 10 holistic health remedies. 

*Remember, these are what work for us and are not meant as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for your own needs.

1.Raw Honey: We're big fans of raw honey, particularly because we make our own! This natural sweetener is known for its antimicrobial properties, which can help soothe sore throats and suppress coughs.

2.Rest: Unlike the societal norm of pushing through illness, we believe in giving our bodies time to rest and heal.

While resting try our CBD Pain Relief Soothing Salve for muscle aches and pains.

3.Eat Simple and Clean: When we're under the weather, we stick to homemade bone broths, soups, stews, and smoothies. They're easy to digest and packed with nutrients.

4.Support Gut and Immune Systems: We consume raw fermented foods like our own Greek Yogurt and Kefir. These foods are rich in probiotics, which are beneficial for gut health and can boost immunity.

5.Allow Fevers to Run Their Course: While this may not be for everyone, we usually let a fever do its job. Fever is a natural body defense mechanism against infection.

6.Fresh Air and Sunshine: Even when it's chilly outside, we try to get some fresh air and sunshine. Sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D, which is essential for immune function.

7.Herbal Teas: Herbal teas like chamomile, ginger, and peppermint can provide relief from symptoms like congestion, nausea, and sleeplessness.

Or try “My famous Honey Lemon Tea”

Which is simple hot water with a tablespoon of raw honey, 2 drops lemon essential oil or freshly squeezed lemon, and a dash of cayenne (great for pain relief). 

8.Detox Salt Baths and Hot Showers: A warm bath with Epsom salt and Bentonite Clay can help relax muscles and open up detox pathways during illness.

A nice hot shower is always like hitting the reset button. It helps loosen congestion and just downright feels good especially when you're feeling bad.

9.Hydration: Hydration is key when we're feeling under the weather. It aids in expelling toxins and keeps our bodies hydrated, particularly when a fever is making us lose fluids faster. But not just any water cuts it for us - we believe in the importance of mineral-balanced water. Our top pick? Redmond Re-Lyte for electrolyte-balanced hydration.

10.Sharing the Love: We all need a bit of TLC, especially when we're feeling rough. We're all about giving our little ones extra hugs and attention when they're feeling sick. And for the older kids? Think back rubs or just chilling out together on the couch.

We hope these tips help you as much as they help us. Here's to a happy & healthy season ahead!

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